Jaiyeola Temitope Gbolahan
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Mathematics)
Rank: Professor
Contact: +2348063700994
Email: deptofmaths@oauife.edu.ng
Room Number: Mathematics Building C 209
Gender: Male
Research Area: I specialize in areas of Algebra called “Groups and their Generalization”, “Non-Associative Algebraic Systems”. My particular field of expertise is in the “Theory of Groupoids, Quasigroups and Loops”. I also work on “Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures” and “Non-Associative Hyper-Algebraic Structures” and “Soft Quasigroup”. I am enthusiastic to apply these areas of study to Cryptography, Coding Theory, Sociology, Sports, Biological Inheritance, Chemical Systems and Physical Systems.

I was born in the city of Abeokuta, Ogun State in Nigeria. I had my Nursery and Primary School Educations at the Children House School, Ibara, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, from 1983 to 1989. My Junior and Secoundary School education were at the Baptist Boys’ High School, Oke-Saje, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, between 1990 and 1996. I got a B.Sc. degree in Mathematical Science (with bias in Mathematics) in 2002, M.Sc. degree in Mathematics in 2005 and Ph.D. degree in Mathematics in 2009 at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria (now Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria). My M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses were based on the notions of “Central Loops” and “Osborn Loops” in the field of Algebra known as “Theory of Quasigroups and Loops”. I have been doing research in the field of “Theory of Quasigroups and Loops” since 2004 and have not less than 87 research articles published in international and reputable journals and 2 books. After my graduate studies at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, I got an appointment at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Nigeria as an Assistant Lecturer in 2006 and rose through the ranks to the rank of a Professor of Mathematics in 2017.
Since my assumption of duty at OAU, I have been teaching Algebra courses at undergraduate and post graduate levels, I have supervised 9 Masters of Science in Mathematics theses and I have supervised 7 Ph.D. Mathematics theses and I have served as a member of some academic and administrative committees both in the Department, Faculty and the University. I have served as external examiner for M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses in Mathematics at various Universities in Nigeria and few Universities outside Nigeria. I have attended national and International Conferences and Schools. I am a Fellow of the Nigerian Young Academy (FNYA), Editor (Mathematical Sciences Section) of Annals of Science and Technology, Published by Nigerian Young Academy Editor, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization: Theory and Applications and International Ambassador of Africa Project Against Suicide (APAS). I am the Head of Nigerian Branch of Neutrosophic Science International Association (NSIA), University of New Mexico, United States of America and the Head of Human Resources and Management, Platinum Minds Global Company (PMGC). I am married to Mrs. Oluwaseun Jaiyeola.
- Theses/Dissertation:
- Equivalence Relations in Algebraic Structures-B.Sc. 2002.
- An Isotopic Study of Properties of Central Loops – M.Sc. 2005.
- The Study of the Universality of Osborn Loops- Ph.D. 2009.
- Books and Monographs:
(a) Authored Books:
[1] T. G. Jaiyeola, A Study of New Concepts in Smarandache Quasigroups and Loops, ProQuest Information & Learning, Ann Arbor, USA, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-59973-083-7; 1-59973-083-9; 9781599730837. MR2489953, Zbl 1159.20035. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8913
[2] Atolani O., Adeyemi O.S., Agunbiade F.O., Asaolu O.S., Gayawan E., Jaiyeola T.G., Usikalu M.R., Unuabonah E. I., Globafricalisation and Sustainable Development: Research and Researchers’ Assessments, ‘Publish or Perish’, Journal Impact Factor and Other Metrifications, 2019, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin (SCIENDO), ISBN 978-3-11-067103-2, ISBN 978-3-11-067104-9 (PDF). DOI:10.2478/9783110671049
(b) Edited Books:
[1] Ogundele, L.A and Iyanda, D.G., Introduction to Symbolic Logic, Ola-Oluwa Commercial Enterprises, Oshogbo, Nigeria, 2010. ISBN 978-978-49582-1-9.
(c) Reviewed Books:
[1] Adeniyi Michael O., Akinmoladun Olusegun M. and Disu Akeem B., Logic and Linear Algebra (Concepts and Applications), Best Century Designs, Lagos, Nigeria.
[2] Florentin Smarandache and Andrușa R. Vătuiu, Easier to break from inside than from outside, DTP: George Lukacs Pons asbl Quai du Batelage, 5 1000 – Bruxelles Belgium, 2017. ISBN 978-1-59973-524-5.
[3] Florentin Smarandache, Neutropsychic Personality, DTP: George Lukacs Pons asbl Quai du Batelage, 5 1000 – Bruxelles Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-59973-554-2.
[4] Florentin Smarandache, Neutropsychic Personality (A mathematical approach to psychology), 2nd Edition. DTP: George Lukacs Pons asbl Quai du Batelage, 5 1000 – Bruxelles Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-59973-557-3.
[5] Florentin Smarandache, Surapati Pramanik (Editors), New Trends in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications (Volume II), DTP: George Lukacs Pons asbl Quai du Batelage, 5 1000 – Bruxelles Belgium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-59973-559-7.
[6] W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Ilanthenral K. and Florentin Smarandache , Subset Vertex Graphs for Social Networks, EuropaNova ASBL, Clos du Parnasse, 3E 1000, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2018. ISBN-13: 978-1-59973-538-2.
[7] Sikiru, Tesleem O., Mathematical Basics: Algebra, Trigonometry and Complex Numbers, Volume 1, HIS LINEAGE PUBLISHING, 09, Alli Street, Mokola, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2018, ISBN:978-978-55702-1-2.
(d) Contributions to Books:
[1] T.G. Jaiyeola, On the Application of Keedwell Cross Inverse Quasigroup to Cryptography, Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science, Goce Delcev University, 264-277, Macedonia, 2012. ISSN 1857- 8691.
[2] Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets (Vol. 1); Editors: Florentin Smarandache, Xiaohong Zhang and Mumtaz Ali, Authors; T. G. Jaiyeola and Florentin Smarandache, Some Results on Neutrosophic Triplet Group and Their Applications, 329-342, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2019. ISBN 978-3-03897-384-3 (Pbk), ISBN 978-3-03897-385-0 (PDF).
[3] Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets (Vol. 2); Editors; Florentin Smarandache, Xiaohong Zhang and Mumtaz Ali. Authors; T. G. Jaiyeola Emmanuel Ilojide, Memudu Olaposi Olatinwo and Florentin Smarandache, On the Classification of Bol-Moufang Type of Some Varieties of Quasi Neutrosophic Triplet Loop (Fenyves BCI-Algebras), 202-217, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2019. ISBN 978-3-03897-475-8 (Pbk), ISBN 978-3-03897-476-5 (PDF)
[4] Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications) Volume VII; Editor; Florentin Smarandache, Authors; Temitope Gbolahan Jaiyeola, Florentin Smarandache, Inverse Properties in Neutrosophic Triplet Loop and Their Application to Cryptography, 405-424, Global Knowledge – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami Florida 33131, United States, 2022. ISBN 978-1-59973-729-4. http://fs.unm.edu/CP7.pdf
[5] Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications) Volume VIII; Editor; Florentin Smarandache, Authors; Temitope Gbolahan Jaiyeola, Florentin Smarandache, Some Results on Neutrosophic Triplet Group and Their Applications, 556-569, Global Knowledge – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami Florida 33131, United States, 2022. ISBN 978-1-59973-730-0. http://fs.unm.edu/CP8.pdf
[6] Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Its Applications in Algebra) Volume IX; Editor; Florentin Smarandache, Authors; Temitope Gbolahan Jaiyeola, Emmanuel Ilojide, Memudu Olaposi Olatinwo, Florentin Smarandache, On the Classification of Bol-Moufang Type of Some Varieties of Quasi Neutrosophic Triplet Loop (Fenyves BCI-Algebras), 422-437, Global Knowledge – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami Florida 33131, United States, 2022. ISBN 978-1-59973-733-1. http://fs.unm.edu/CP9.pdf
[7] Algebra without Borders – Classical and Constructive Nonassociative Algebraic Structures – Foundations and Applications, Editor: Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou, Melanija Mitrović, Mujahid Abbas, Madad Khan. Chapter 3: Adewale Roland Tunde Sòlárìn, John Olusola Adéníran, Tèmítópé Gbóláhàn Jaiyéolá, Abednego Orobosa Isere and Yakub Tunde Oyebo; Some Varieties of Loops (Bol-Moufang and Non-Bol-Moufang Types). To be published, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
3. Published Journal Articles
[1] T. G. Jaiyeola (2006); An holomorphic study of the Smarandache concept in loops, Scientia Magna Journal, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 1-8. MR2255667, Zbl 1157.20337. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32297
[2] T. G. Jaiyeola (2006); Parastrophic invariance of Smarandache Quasigroups, Scientia Magna Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 48-53. MR2321213, Zbl 1157.20338. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32325
[3] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2006), On the Derivatives of Central loops, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 233-244. MR2330756 (2008c:20121), Zbl 1128.20054. India. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13519220.v1
[4] T. G. Jaiyeola (2006); Palindromic permutations and generalized Smarandache palindromic permutations, Scientia Magna Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3., pp. 65-77. MR2321215. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32322
[5] T. G. Jaiyeola (2006 ); On the universality of some Smarandache loops of Bol- Moufang type, Scientia Magna Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 45-58. MR2298502. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.9639 http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.9033
[6] J.O. Adeniran & T. G. Jaiyeola (2007) ; On central loops and the central square property, Quasigroups And Related Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 191-200. MR2383946 (2008k:20148) , Zbl 1139.20061. Moldova/Poland.
[7] T. G. Jaiyeola (2008); A Pair of Smarandachely Isotopic Quasigroups And Loops of The same variety, International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 1, 36-44. MR2404000, Zbl 1144.08300. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32301
[8] T.G. Jaiyeola (2008); An holomorphic study of Smarandache automorphic and cross inverse property loops, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Number Theory and Smarandache Problems, Scientia Magna Journal. Vol. 4, No. 1, 102-108. MR2440545 (2009i:20132). China/USA. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.9150
[9] T.G. Jaiyeola (2008); On Smarandache Bryant Schneider group of A Smarandache loop, International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 2, 51-63. MR2435816 (2009i:20131), Zbl 1152.20057. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.820935
[10] T. G. Jaiyeola (2008) ; On the factor set of code loops, NUMTA Bulletin, Vol. 2, 1-14. India.
[11] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2008) ; Algebraic properties of some varieties of central loops, Quasigroups And Related Systems, Vol. 16, No. 1, 37-54. MR2435526 (2009g:20147), Zbl 1154.20059. Moldova/Poland.
[12] T.G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2008); On some Autotopisms of Non-Steiner central loops, Journal of Nigerian Mathematical Society, Vol. 27, 53-68. MR2421795(2009d:20152), Zbl 1162.20045. Nigeria.
[13] T. G. Jaiyeola (2008); Smarandache Isotopy Theory of Smarandache: Quasigroups and Loops, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Number Theory and Smarandache Problems, Scientia Magna Journal. Vol. 4, No. 1, 168-177. MR2440557. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32337
[14] T.G. Jaiyeola (2008); A Double Cryptography Using The Smarandache Keedwell Cross Inverse Quasigroup, International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 3, 28-33. MR2464630. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.823493
[15] T. G. Jaiyeola (2008) ; Some necessary and sufficient conditions for parastrophic invariance in the associative law in quasigroups, Fasciculi Mathematici , Vol. 40, 25-35. MR2499255 (2010a:20138), Zbl 1162.20046. Poland.
[16] T.G. Jaiyeola(2008); Some Isotopy-Isomorphy Conditions For m-Inverse Quasigroups And Loops, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica, Vol. 16, No. 2, 57-66. MR2473800. Zbl 1199.20127. Romania.
[17] T.G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2009); On isotopic characterization of central loops, Creative Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 18, No. 1, 39-45. MR2530645 (2010h:20160), Zbl pre05824229. Romania.
[18] T.G. Jaiyeola (2009); On a pair of universal weak inverse property loops, NUMTA Bulletin, Vol. 3, 22-40. India.
[19] T.G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran(2009); New Identities in Universal Osborn Loops, Quasigroups And Related Systems, Vol. 17, No. 1, 55-76. MR2536708(2010g:20118), Zbl 1193.20074. Moldova/Poland.
[20] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2009); Weak Inverse Property Loops and Some Isotopy-Isomorphy Properties, Acta Universitatis Apulensis Mathematics-Informatics, Vol. 18, pp. 19-33. MR2554313 (2010j:20100), Zbl 1199.20128. Romania.
[21] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2009); On the existence of A-loops with some commutative inner mappings and others of order 2, South East Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol. 33, No. 5, 853-864. MR2551640(2010j:20101), Zbl 1203.20067. China.
[22] T.G. Jaiyeola (2009); Basic Properties of Second Smarandache Bol Loops, International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 2, 11-20. MR2555374, Zbl 1197.20057. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32303
[23] T. G. Jaiyeola (2009); On the Universality of central loops, Acta Universitatis Apulensis Mathematics-Informatics, Vol. 19, 113-124. MR2629796 (2011e:20101), Zbl 1190.20050. Romania.
[24] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2009); Not every Osborn loop is universal, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogiace Nyíregyháziensis, Vol. 25, No. 2, 189-190. MR2570940(2011a:20165), Zbl 1208.20065. Hungary.
[25] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2010); On Another Two Cryptographic Identities In Universal Osborn Loops, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 5, 17-34. MR2607208 (2011h:20137), Zbl 1214.20063. Romania.
[26] T. G. Jaiyeola (2010); Relationship between code loops and some other loops, NUMTA Bulletin, Vol. 4, 45-52. Zbl 1236.20064. India.
[27] T. G. Jaiyeola (2010) ; On Middle Universal Weak and Cross Inverse Property Loops With Equal Length of Inverse Cycles, Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, Vol. 44, No. 2, 79-89. . MR2784413 (2012h:20154), Zbl 1232.08001, Colombia.
[28] T.G. Jaiyeola, J.O. Adeniran & A. R. T. Solarin (2011); The universality of Osborn loops, Acta Universitatis Apulensis Mathematics-Informatics, Vol. 26, 301-320. MR2850621 (2012h:20155), Zbl 06150124. Romania.
[29] T. G. Jaiyeola (2011); On Three Cryptographic Identities in Left Universal Osborn Loops, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Vol. 14, No. 1, 33-50. (Publisher: Taylor and Francis-DOI:10.1080/09720529.2011.10698322) MR2817167(2012h:20156). Zbl1216.20061. United Kingdom.
[30] J. O. Adeniran, J. T. Akinmoyewa, A. R. T. Solarin and T. G. Jaiyeola (2011); On Some Algebraic Properties of Generalized Groups, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogiace Nyíregyháziensis, Vol. 27, No. 1, 23-30. MR2813588 (2012h:20138), Zbl 1240.20067. Hungary.
[31] T. G. Jaiyeola (2011); Smarandache Isotopy Of Second Smarandache Bol Loops, Scientia Magna Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1., 82-93. Zbl 1216.20060. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.234114
[32] E. Ilojide, T. G. Jaiyeola & O. O. Owojori (2011); Varieties of groupoids and quasigroups generated by linear-bivariate polynomials over ring , International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 2, 79-97. Zbl 1230.20062. China/USA. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.821398
[33] T. G. Jaiyeola (2011); On Middle Universal m-Inverse Quasigroups And Their Applications To Cryptography, Analele Universitatii De Vest Din Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. 49, No. 1, 69-87. MR2944889, Zbl 06150073. Romania.
[34] T. G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2011); Loops That Are Isomorphic To Their Osborn Loop Isotopes(G-Osborn loops), Octogon Mathematical Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 2, 328-348. Romania.
[35] T. G. Jaiyéola, J. O. Adéníran and A. R. T. Sòlárìn (2011), Some necessary conditions for the existence of a finite Osborn loop with trivial nucleus, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, Vol. 28, No. 4, 363–379. MR3026067, Zbl 1279.20081. USA.
[36] Ilojide E., T. G. Jaiyeola & S. A. Akinleye (2012); On the right, left and middle linear-bivariate polynomials of a linear-bivariate polynomial that generates a quasigroup over the ring , Journal of Nigerian Mathematical Society, Vol. 31, 107-118. MR3025561, Zbl 1294.20077. Nigeria.
[37] T. G. Jaiyeola (2012); Osborn loops and their universality, Analele Ştiinţifice Ale Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iaşi, Matematică, Vol. 58, No. 2, 437-452. (DOI: 10.2478/v10157-012-0018-7). MR3059972, Zbl 1289.20097. Romania.
[38] T.G. Jaiyeola & J.O. Adeniran (2012); A new characterization of Osborn-Buchsteiner loops, Quasigroups And Related Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, 233-238. MR3232744, Zbl 1276.20072. Moldova/Poland.
[39] T. G. Jaiyeola & E. Ilojide (2012); On a group of linear-bivariate polynomials that generate quasigroups over the ring , Analele Universitatii De Vest Din Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. 50 (L) , No.2, 45-53. (Publisher: De Gruyter-DOI: 10.2478/v10324-012-0014-3). MR3034919, Zbl 1274.20089. Germany.
[40] T. G. Jaiyeola, E. Ilojide & B. A. Popoola (2013); On the isotopy structure of elements of the group , Journal of Nigerian Mathematical Society, Vol. 32, 317-329. MR3112186. Zbl 06303663. Nigeria.
[41] T.G. Jaiyeola, J.O. Adeniran & A.A.A. Agboola (2013); On the Second Bryant Schneider Group of Universal Osborn loops, Societatea Română de Matematică Aplicată si Industrială Journal (ROMAI J.), Vol. 9, Nr.1, 37-50. MR3120445. Zbl 1295.20073. Romania.
[42] T. G. Jaiyeola (2013); On Two Cryptographic Identities in Universal Osborn Loops, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 16, No. 2-3, 95–116. (Publisher: Taylor and Francis-DOI-10.1080/09720529.2013.821371). MR3196290 Zbl 1348.94060 United Kingdom.
[43] T.G. Jaiyeola (2013); New identities in universal Osborn loops II, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, Vol. 30, No. 1, 111-126. MR3134622. Zbl 1295.20072. USA.
[44] E. Ilojide & T. G. Jaiyeola (2014); Some normal congruences in quasigroups determined by linear-bivariate polynomials over the ring , Acta Universitatis Apulensis Mathematics Informatics, Vol. 37, 14-30. Romania. MR3270435 Zbl 06521079
[45] T. G. Jaiyeola, A. R. T. Solarin and J. O. Adeniran (2014), Some Bol-Moufang characterizations of the Thomas Precession of a gyrogroup, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, Vol. 31, No. 3, 341-362. MR3237694, Zbl 1319.20055 USA.
[46] J. O. Adeniran, T. G . Jaiyeola & K. A. Idowu (2014), Holomorph of generalized Bol loops, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Vol 44, No. 1, 37-51. Serbia. MR3288359
[47] T. G. Jaiyeola (2014); On some simplicial complexes of universal Osborn loops, Analele Universitatii De Vest Din Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. 52, No.1, 65– 79. (Publisher: De Gruyter-DOI: 10.2478/awutm-2014-0005). Germany. MR3295968
[48] T. G. Jaiyeola & B. A. Popoola (2015); Holomorph of generalized Bol loops II, Discussiones Mathematicae-General Algebra and Applications, Vol. 35, No. 1, 59–78. (doi:10.7151/dmgaa.1234). Poland. MR3371164
[49] A. Isere, J. O. Adeniran, T.G. Jaiyeola (2015), Generalized Osborn loops of order 4n, Acta Universitatis Apulensis Mathematics Informatics, Vol. 43, 19-31. (doi: 10.17114/j.aua.2015.43.02). Romania. MR3403870, Zbl 06703427
[50] T. G. Jaiyeola (2015), Generalized right central loops, Afrika Matematika, Vol. 26, No. 7-8, 1427-1442. (Publisher: Springer DOI: 10.1007/s13370-014-0297-0). Germany. MR3415163 Zbl 1335.20061
[51] A. Isere, J. O. Adeniran, T.G. Jaiyeola (2015), Holomorphy of Osborn loops, Analele Universitatii De Vest Din Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. 53, No.2, 81– 98. (Publisher: De Gruyter: https://doi.org/10.1515/awutm-2015-0016). Germany. MR3489607
[52] T. G. Jaiyeola, S. P. David, Y.T. Oyebo (2015), New algebraic properties of middle Bol loops, Societatea Română de Matematică Aplicată si Industrială Journal (ROMAI J.), Vol. .11, No. 2, 161–183. Romania. MR3520909 http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.236126
[53] T. G. Jaiyeola, A.A. Adeniregun & M. A. Asiru (2017), Finite FRUTE loops, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1750040, 10pp. (Publisher: World Scientific Publishers- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219498817500402). MR3608427, Zbl 1359.20037
[54] A. J. Saka, B. L. Adeleke and T. G. Jaiyeola (2017), Zig-zag-Matrix for Resolvable Nested Balanced Incomplete Block Designs, International Journal of Algebra and Statistics, Vol. 6, 1-2, 81–94. https://doi.org/10.20454/ijas.2017.1233. Egypt.
[55] S.O. Ogunrinade, S.O. Ajala, Y.T. Oyebo and T.G. Jaiyeola (2017), A Class of Distributive Quasigroup and Its Parastrophes, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics (NAMP Journal), Vol. 39, 1-8. Nigeria.
[56] T. G. Jaiyeola, S. P. David, E. Ilojide and Y. T. Oyebo (2017), Holomorphic structure of middle Bol loops, Khayyam Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 172–184. DOI: 10.22034/kjm.2017.51111. Iran. MR3733536 Zbl 1381.20054
[57] T. G. Jaiyeola and F. Smarandache (2018), Inverse Properties in Neutrosophic Triplet Loop and their Application to Cryptography, Algorithms, Vol. 11, No. 3, 32; https://doi.org/10.3390/a11030032 Switzerland.
[58] T. G. Jaiyeola and F. Smarandache (2018), Some Results on Neutrosophic Triplet Group and their Applications, Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 6, 202. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10060202 Switzerland.
[59] T. G. Jaiyeola, E. Ilojide, M. O. Olatinwo and F. Smarandache (2018), On the Classification of Bol-Moufang Type of Some Varieties of Quasi Neutrosophic Triplet Loop (Fenyves BCI-Algebras). Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 10, 427. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10100427. Switzerland
[60] A. J. Saka, B. L. Adeleke and T. G. Jaiyeola (2018), Coset Nested Balanced Incomplete Block Designs of Resolvable Type, International Journal of Statistics and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 5, 267-273. DOI: 10.5923/j.statistics.20180805.05 USA.
[61] T. G. Jaiyeola and G. Effiong (2018), Basarab loop and its variance with inverse properties, Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 26 No. 2, 229-238. Moldova/Poland.
[62] A. Isere, J. O. Adeniran, T.G. Jaiyeola (2019), Classification of Osborn loops of order 4n, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Volume 38, No. 1, 31-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0716-09172019000100031 Chile.
[63] S. O. Ogunrinade, S. O. Ajala, J. O. Olaleru and T.G. Jaiyeola (2019), Holomorph of self-distributive quasigroup with key laws, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications, Vol. 2019. 426 – 432. http://journals.unilag.edu.ng/index.php/ijmao/article/view/311 Nigeria
[64] Xiaohong Zhang, Xuejiao Wang, Florentin Smarandache, T.G. Jaiyeola, Tieyan Lian (2019), Singular Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Groups and Generalized Groups, Cognitive Systems Research. 57, 32–40. (Publisher: Elsevierhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2018.10.009 ) Netherlands.
[65] E. Ilojide, T. G. Jaiyeola, M. O. Olatinwo (2019), On Holomorphy of Fenyves BCI-Algebras, Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, Vol. 38, Issue 2, 139-155. Nigeria.
[66] O. O. Oyebola and T. G. Jaiyeola (2019), Non-associative algebraic hyperstructures and their applications to biological inheritance, Monografías Matemáticas García de Galdeano 42, 229-241. Spain.
[67] T. G. Jaiyeola, E. Ilojide, A. J. Saka, K. G. Ilori (2020), On the Isotopy of some Varieties of Fenyves Quasi Neutrosophic Triplet Loop (Fenyves BCI-algebras), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 31, 200-223. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3640219 USA
[68] Oyem, A., Olaleru, J.O, T. G. Jaiyeola and H. Akewe (2020), Some algebraic properties of soft quasigroups, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2, 834-846. doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13524392 Nigeria
[69] T. G. Jaiyeola, S. P. David, O. O. Oyebola (2021), New algebraic properties of middle Bol loops II, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 40, No. 1, 83-104. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0717-6279-2021-01-0006 Chile.
[70] A.J. Saka, R.A. Adetona, T. G. Jaiyeola (2021), A Simple Generalized Construction of Resolvable Balanced Incomplete Block Designs for k Being a Prime for Block Sizes, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal (Adv. Math., Sci. J.), Vol. 10, No.6, 2767–2784. https://doi.org/10.37418/amsj.10.6.6 USA
[71] A. Isere, J. O. Adeniran, T.G. Jaiyeola (2021), Latin quandles and applications to cryptography, Mathematics for Applications, Vol. 10, No. 1, 37-53. DOI: 10.13164/ma.2021.04 Czech Republic
[72] T. G. Jaiyeola and G. Effiong (2021), Basarab loop and the generators of its total multiplication group, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 40, No. 4, 939-962. http://dx.doi.org/10.22199/issn.0717-6279-4430 Chile
[73] T. G. Jaiyeola , K. A. Olurode and B. Osoba (2021), Some Neutrosophic Triplet Subgroup Properties and Homomorphism Theorems in Singular Weak Commutative Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Group, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems Vol. 45, 459-487. 10.5281/zenodo.5486661 USA
[74] G. Effiong, T. G. Jaiyeola and M. C. Obi (2021), Characterization of some Subloops of a Basarab loop, Annals of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 4, 28-47. UAE
[75] T. G. Jaiyeola, A.A. Adeniregun, O. O. Oyebola & A. O. Adelakun (2021), FRUTE loops, Algebras, Groups and geometries, Vol. 37, No. 2, 159-179. DOI 10.29083/AGG.37.02.2021 USA
[76] Oyem, A., T. G. Jaiyeola, Olaleru, J.O. (2022) , Order of Finite Soft Quasigroups with Application to Egalitarianism, Discussiones Mathematicae-General Algebra and Application, Vol. 42, No.1, 135–157. (Publisher: Sciendo https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgaa.1381 ) Poland.
[77] B. Osoba and T. G. Jaiyeola (2022), Algebraic Connections between Right and Middle Bol loops and their Cores, Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 30, No.1, 149-160. Poland.
[78] O. S. Asaolu, T. G. Jaiyeola, M. R. Usikalu, E. Gayawan, O. Atolani and O. S. Adeyemi (2022), U-index: A New Universal Metric as Unique Indicator of Researcher’s Contributions to Academic Knowledge, Scientific African, Vol.16, e01231. (Publisher: Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2022.e01231 Netherlands.
[79] Oyem, A. and T. G. Jaiyeola (2022), Parastrophes and Cosets of Soft Quasigroups , International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 1, 74 – 86. Nigeria. 10.6084/m9.figshare.20767495
[80] J. O. Adeniran, T. G. Jaiyeola & K. A. Idowu (2022), On some characterizations of generalized Bol loops, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 41, No. 4, 805-823. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0717-6279-4581 Chile
[81] Oyem, A., T. G. Jaiyeola, J. O. Olaleru and B. Osoba (2022), Soft Neutrosophic Quasigroups, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 50, 488-503. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6774903 USA
[82] O. O. George, J. O. Olaleru, J. O. Adeniran and T. G. Jaiyeola (2022), On a class of power associative LCC-loops, Extracta Mathematicae, Vol. 37, No. 2, 185-194. doi:10.17398/2605-5686.37.2.185 Spain
[83] T. G. Jaiyeola, B. Osoba and Oyem, A. (2022), Isostrophy Bryant-Schneider Group-Invariant of Bol loops, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, 99 (2). 3–18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56415/basm.y2022.i2.p3 Moldova
[84] O. O. George and T. G. Jaiyeola (2022), Nuclear Identification of Some New Loop Identities of Length Five, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, 99 (2), 39–58. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56415/basm.y2022.i2.p39 Moldova
[85] Saka, A. J., Jaiyeola T. G. and Adetina R. A (2022), A New Method of Construction of mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares of Prime Order. Octagon Mathematical Magazine, 30 (2), 900-917. Romania.
[86] R. Ilemobade, O. O. George, T. G. Jaiyeola (2023), On the universality and isotopy-isomorphy of (r,s,t)-inverse quasigroups and loops with applications to cryptography, Quasigroups and Related Systems, Vol. 31 (1), 53 – 64. https://doi.org/10.56415/qrs.v31.04 Poland.
[87] Oyebo, Y.T., T. G. Jaiyeola and J. O. Adeniran (2023), A Study of the Holomorphy of (r, s, t)-Inverse Loops, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 26, No. 1, 67–86 https://doi.org/10.1080/09720529.2021.1885810 United Kingdom.
3. Articles Accepted for Publication:
[1] Oyebo, Y.T., Osoba, B., Jaiyeola, T.G. (2024), Crypto-automorphism Group of some quasigroups, Discussiones Mathematicae – General Algebra and Applications, Vol. 44, No. 1, to appear.
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